Design Challenge
#1: How might we keep our communities in Singapore safe and healthy during the global COVID-19 pandemic?
Project Description
Pandemics are the new normal in the future and dealing with pandemics is now part of our way of life. People understand more about viruses, the stakes and the necessary actions and associated systems. Some viruses do not yet have vaccines or are the midst of development. Dealing with the virus in our day to day allows us to get back to the lives we had before. We need to carry on. To go back to work, to socalise, to play. We need to be normal and we need to have answers. We do not have the time to quarantine for14 days before getting our lives back.
More and more so, people are now need real and direct answers to facilitate normal lives. The app offers data exchanges between users and via a portal collation centre to allows people to feel the ease to carry on with our lives.
Criteria #1: Value
Fear and uncertainty are common emotions of a pandemic. With a portal that offers real and honest information, the power is in the control of the mass audiences to make informed decisions.
A clearer picture of the pandemic eliminates and minimise fear and uncertainty. Real-time two-way app gives user the control of data they would like to share in exchange for data they receive.
Criteria #2: Inspiration
In a small island of 721.5 kmĀ², we are a part of a high-density of data overlap. This overlap traces patterns creating information valuable to well-being.
And individually we hold the value of data, and collectively the power of information. Real information is power. This eliminates rumor mills and unnecessary numbers being circulated. In the post-Covid-19 world, the lingering memory of the pandemic causes the need for data to make informed decisions. Imagine knowing if you have had close contact with a patient, been in a space 2 hours or 2 days before them.
Criteria #3: Impact
Currently, our most immediate medium of information is the web, from there we get to know where the last confirmed cases were and worry ourselves wondering if a family member or themselves have been there at proximity. However, through VIMA, by triangulation, location data can be crossed checked against a confirmed pandemic victim. Users themselves agree to exchange their information to receive direct, personalised information such their exposure to confirmed places, hotspots based on their routes and patterns, etc. So that they know for certainty, without guess and live through pandemic with a peace of mind.
Criteria #4: Timeliness
The app is envisioned as a new normal for the future instead of the near 3-6months and care is taken to develop the app with usability and necessity that it is no different from our utility apps such as transport, banking or weather.
A timeframe will be allocated to setting up of hardware and software in locations and virtually. A period of approvals and partner support can also be allocated.
Criteria #5: Systems Thinking
In times of pandemic, efficiency and accuracy are key factors in a race against time to minimise the damage caused by viruses. Virus Testing has been getting quicker and more accessible, systems put in place to make contact tracing faster.
The app puts the ownership in the hands of individuals and frees up resources to be channelled for more efficient output. With more certainty, and less paranoia, the frontline/ healthcare workers can give more attention to aspects that matter.