Design Challenge
#3: How might we learn from COVID-19 to reimagine our future for life, work, learning and play?
Project Description
dtSG stands for design together, Singapore. Through this app, families can be exposed to design resources to create their innovative 3D products which helps solve problems in their lives. They can pass on projects to designers who will be able to take on fun and meaningful projects. After designing, families can view their products through the AR feature in the app. Once they are done, they can send their 3D model over to a range of companies which will be able to print the product, at a cost of the family. Once the virus situation is stable, the company can 3D print and ship the product over to the family at a standard price of the material used, for use. This allows for innovative fun during this COVID-19 period, especially during the June month of holidays.
Criteria #1: Value
Imagine moping the floor. That’s boring. Designing an add-on 3D product to drip water and mop the floor while playing a remote controlled car, is what makes lives fun while playing. With dtSG, innovating is fun, made easy and made accessible to families and designers, also supporting design companies with projects when they re-open after the virus outbreak. Simple as that. Happiness in the community.
Criteria #2: Inspiration
Whilst staying at home, people have been ranting about daily problems, while innovation is seen though at a minimal. Meanwhile, 3D printing has been an interesting facet of design for me as well as AR. I have wanted to create and design my inventions from young, and now, I want to combine these two types of technology, as well as continue my want to connect people through innovation and make the world a much interesting and fun place, hoping to spread some positivity during this tough period.
Criteria #3: Impact
Happiness is spread. Families work together, with children thinking of ideas, parents designing; designers can have happiness and satisfaction doing fun projects of what they like outside of work; while companies can gain initial financial support through the projects approved. Even after COVID-19, this app will surely continue to connect people through design and technology. This stimulates the Singaporean future for so many more significant innovations to come.
Criteria #4: Timeliness
This app is rather just a platform to connect people, which can be developed quickly. Launching definitely possible within 3-6 months or even 1 month, with sufficient resources. For an AR feature, it is already common and easy to develop. This app can even be released during the May-June holidays/period to spread fun through design in this period. The key is to spread the message across to connect as many people as possible for fun through design.
Criteria #5: Systems Thinking
As mentioned, people are already innovating in this time and place. All this app does is bring it way further. AR, social media and professional design software (e.g. Tinkercad, Sketchup, Fusion360) are already available. This app will act as a guide to design as well as inspire more people to join in, connecting between innovators, designers and companies, to innovate and solve the daily small but displeasing problems that we all face!