Design Challenge
#1: How might we keep our communities in Singapore safe and healthy during the global COVID-19 pandemic?
Project Description
During this COVID-19 period where there are overwhelming information that may create unnecessary stress and anxiety to people. We created a tool to help people understand COVID-19 outcomes based on real-time public data from South Korea (as a pilot).
We invested resources to design and build this tool, with a simple objective of bringing positive data to the world of negative data. Hopefully it can bring some awareness on its mortality rate and bring lightness to everyone.
As this tool is a Minimal Viable Product we created in a short amount of time, we welcome any feedback on how we can improve to bring better value to users.
Criteria #1: Value
During this COVID-19 period where there are overwhelming information that may create unnecessary stress and anxiety. We created a tool to help people understand COVID-19 outcomes based on FACTUAL real-time public data from South Korea (as a pilot) to bring some awareness on its mortality rate.
User are able to get a sense of their Case Survival Rate by attempting this assessment tool we design and developed.
Criteria #2: Inspiration
This is a time of stress and anxiety where we’re faced with a deluge of information about COVID-19. We decided to create a tool to help understand COVID-19 outcomes based on real-time public data.
Criteria #3: Impact
We consolidated some prevention tips referencing from the information provided by US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare.
Users are able to learn how to keep themselves and their family safe from COVID-19.
Users may also choose to attempt a simple assessment to uncover your Case Survival Rate.
Criteria #4: Timeliness
We have designed, developed and launch the MVP (English and Japanese version) – https://korea.covid19snapshot.org/
Criteria #5: Systems Thinking
Using a data-centric approach, we used the data from the kaggle dataset to estimate patient age/sex distribution and to estimate the Case Fatality Rate for cohorts. We pulled in co-morbidity data to analyse how pre-existing conditions might affect patient’s survival chances.
This is a tool that is scalable and able to be localised beyond Singapore with the availability of data. This will bring real-time accurate data direct from government source to the public.
Stakeholders like MOH, GovTech might be keen.