Design Challenge
#2: How might we encourage our community to support one another and look out for those who are socially isolated?
Project Description
Part of the Every1 Counts campaign, this response for Design Challenge #2 calls out for volunteers to help the elderly.
We will send out siren lights to seniors, and they can place these siren lights by their doors at HDBs/apartments. The elderly can turn on these lights when they need help to buy groceries and medicines, or tapao food from the market.
We came up with a poster that can be placed at Community Bulletin Boards, to call out to younger people to let them know about the campaign and encourage them to volunteer. The poster would have a QR code, and when volunteers scan this, they will be led to a webpage with more information on how they can volunteer and the volunteering form so that it’s easier for them to sign-up and start helping the seniors in their communities.
Criteria #1: Value
This campaign connects the strong and the most vulnerable people during Covid-19.
We’re addressing the need to help our elderly stay safe in their homes.
We call out to volunteers to help our aunties and uncles tapao food from the market, do grocery shopping, buy medication or take care of other errands.
For sure, there are lots of people who have been looking for the opportunity to volunteer for an initiative like this. We want to make it easy for them to help.
With our design idea, volunteers can easily access information and sign-up to help the elderly.
Criteria #2: Inspiration
We know that not all our elderly are tech-savvy. This is how we came up with the idea of giving them siren lights that will help them reach out to others.
Since most of us live in HDBs and apartments, it would be easy for people to see the lights as they pass by the corridors and know when there are elderly in need of help.
The posters will enable volunteers to easily sign-up as most people have direct access to the web via their phones. We can collaborate with Community Centres to connect them with the elderly in need.
Criteria #3: Impact
Our design proposal would benefit and add a meaningful value to the lives of the target audience (volunteers) and beneficiaries (elderly) of the Every1 Counts campaign initiatives during Covid-19.
For this challenge, the elderly benefits from the help they receive, and the volunteers have a satisfying experience helping the elderly.
Criteria #4: Timeliness
The Every1 Counts concept is timeless.
The ideas conveyed are applicable, during the early stages of the pandemic, and we believe these ideas will still be applicable in 3-6 months time. As we flesh out this concept’s through-the-line campaign, we can add on more initiatives in line with the essence of the Every1 Counts concept.
Production wise, as this campaign uses collaterals commonly used for publicity, we do not foresee any complications in terms of production and are confident in meeting the timeliness criteria. Timeline challenges may only occur should there be supply shortages or printing delays.
Criteria #5: Systems Thinking
The Every1 Counts campaign brings people together.
This objective echoes the call of existing programs and campaigns by Singapore government (Trace Together, #SGUnite) and various private organisations as well.