Design Challenge
#1: How might we keep our communities in Singapore safe and healthy during the global COVID-19 pandemic?
Project Description
A call for solidarity, Every1 Counts focuses on making people realise that each of us play a part in taking care of one another, and each person can contribute to the society as we adapt to the new normal during Covid-19.
For Design Challenge #1, we were inspired by the numbers we have to keep in mind during the pandemic. These posters are reminders of how we can stay safe and healthy, and be considerate to others as we cope with Covid-19. We used the numbers as design elements and paired them with one-line drawings of the things we have to do to keep safe.
This minimalist approach makes it easy to understand yet visually appealing, and we used a yellow background to catch attention of various audiences. The “lines” represent how represents how everyone is connected.
Criteria #1: Value
Our design idea for this challenge is simple, but we believe that it helps encourage everyone to be more proactive during this Covid-19 pandemic.
These eye-catching and beautifully executed posters serve as reminders to everyone about the numbers we have to remember to:
– stay healthy by washing our hands properly
– be safe and help flatten the curve as we practice social distancing;
– ensure everyone gets the necessities they need by not hoarding supplies
It calls on everyone to play their part for the Singapore community.
Criteria #2: Inspiration
We took inspiration from the numbers we have to remember to stay safe and healthy during Covid-19.
These posters clearly illustrate the small efforts we can do to play our part as we live with this pandemic.
We also made use of an interesting illustration approach to catch the attention of audiences from various backgrounds.
The “squiggly lines” also represent how we connect with everyone in the society and how our individual efforts contribute for the good of the Singapore society as a whole.
Criteria #3: Impact
Our design proposal would benefit and add a meaningful value to the lives of the target audience of the Every1 Counts campaign initiatives during Covid-19.
For this challenge, it benefits the individuals and the communities around them as they keep themselves healthy, safe and considerate of others needs.
Criteria #4: Timeliness
The Every1 Counts concept is timeless.
The ideas conveyed are applicable, during the early stages of the pandemic, and we believe these ideas will still be applicable in 3-6 months time. As we flesh out this concept’s through-the-line campaign, we can add on more initiatives in line with the essence of the Every1 Counts concept.
Production wise, as this campaign uses collaterals commonly used for publicity, we do not foresee any complications in terms of production and are confident in meeting the timeliness criteria. Timeline challenges may only occur should there be supply shortages or printing delays.
Criteria #5: Systems Thinking
The Every1 Counts campaign brings people together.
This objective echoes the call of existing programs and campaigns by Singapore government (Trace Together, #SGUnite) and various private organisations as well.