Design Challenge
#3: How might we learn from COVID-19 to reimagine our future for life, work, learning and play?
Project Description
Singapore announced circuit breaker to slow the transmission of COVID-19 until 4th May 2020. During the circuit breaker, no dine-in is allowed and all the food must be taken-away or ordered via food deliveries. In fact, most of Singaporeans are using the provided single-use food container for convenience purpose. Certainly, Singapore will have more trash in the near future. Therefore, it is important to raise the alarm again and encourage Singaporeans to be eco-friendly.
Criteria #1: Value
During the circuit outbreak, the government has been encouraging Singaporeans to use own containers for take away. Due to the limited supply of food containers, some food stalls in Singapore have been putting up signs to remind customers to bring their own containers. However, many Singaporeans are not doing so as they have been cultivating the habit of using single-use containers conveniently. Besides, the high demand in food deliveries is leading to the increase usage of plastic bags and single-use packaging as well. Based on the current situation, Singapore will be facing the non-recyclable waste issue in future.
Criteria #2: Inspiration
As Singaporeans are only allowed take-away food, it is a good time to implement good habit to everyone by encouraging them to bring own containers to minimize waste. Give-away free containers to target people such as the essential workers, who are working hard to fight and taking care of Singapore. Children are the next target audience of enjoying the give-away containers as a method of educating them to be more eco-friendly to protect the environment. Meanwhile, food stalls should start using recyclable paper box for deliveries and giving reasonable discount for individuals who bring their containers.
Criteria #3: Impact
With the increase usage of own clean containers, the waste in Singapore can be partially reduced at the moment. Aside that the individuals are able to enjoy discount given, this will encourage Singaporeans to use recyclable bag while carrying containers as plastic bags will not be necessary from the food stalls. It is important to implement good habit – recycle, reduce, and reuse to all Singaporeans and our next generations to create cleaner environment as every small effort counts despite during the virus outbreak.
Criteria #4: Timeliness
The relevant poster should be published soonest to create the awareness in every corner of Singapore, including the front of food stalls and food courts. Meanwhile, the give-away containers with the printed “Go Green, Waste Less” logo can be launched and distributed to the target audience within the next few months. In the near future, this special edition of containers can also be given away to the poor and marketed to all Singaporean at an acceptable price.
Criteria #5: Systems Thinking
Singapore has been working on many campaigns of encouraging Singaporeans to go green and be eco-friendly for the past few years. This project amid COVID-19 circuit breaker is able to reemphasise and rearise the importance of contributing and protecting the environment as part of everyone’s responsibility.