Design Challenge
#3: How might we learn from COVID-19 to reimagine our future for life, work, learning and play?
Project Description
A project idea that concern with the citizen who needs to manage work and kids in the same space, same time along with safety and health issue. To reinvent a home into a better lifestyle and productive space that allows everyone to has a positive experience as well as maintaining safety and health despite that staying at home.
Criteria #1: Value
With home based learning, there is a lot more time where parents and child are enclosed in the same area for extended periods of time. A lot of the materials for toddlers are not up to date with technology this is to help fill that gap. At the same time, parents do not have time to keep up with the latest updates in technology changes.
Criteria #2: Inspiration
We wanted to create a series that reflects the modern times, the technology, the jobs that did not exist a few decades ago. Jobs like UX designers and what they do and how to educate the kids so they have new ambitions to aim for. At the same time, we wanted something that allowed parents to learn while teaching their child.
Criteria #3: Impact
To modernise the materials for toddlers to more modern concepts allowing for the child and parent to learn in tandem.
Criteria #4: Timeliness
We have already launched a kickstarter campaign to raise funds for production. The content for 7 different titles is ready if the concept is validated over the campaign.
Criteria #5: Systems Thinking
Providing a relevant syllabus that helps toddlers understand the increasingly complicated world and a guide for parents to help guide their child.