Design Challenge
#2: How might we encourage our community to support one another and look out for those who are socially isolated?
Project Description
COVID-19 has thrust many individuals, companies, and multi-national organisations to take their own initiatives in raising awareness and sharing encouraging words within the community through design and creativity. This holds true with government agencies as well.
These awareness campaigns are mostly shared through digital platforms.Only IT savvy individuals would be able to harness this advantage, leaving out the remaining group of the community (elderly, domestic helper, kids) who are the ones who are susceptible to The Virus.
We believe that in times like this, EVERYONE deserves the same form of encouragement to bring up the spirit and hope in Singapore.
Criteria #1: Value
In order to achieve this, we make use of common space to share positive vibes through visuals. And hope to bring a smile to the community during this trying times.
Criteria #2: Inspiration
Templates are designed with key messages, and we invite designers/individuals to collaborate and complete the posters – this lends a vision of we and not me.
Poster templates are also made available onlineto encourage everyone to design their own version of the poster.
Criteria #3: Impact
Selected posters are produced, distributed and encouraged to be placed at lift lobbies and in lifts. These can be located generally at HDB blocks, hospital areas, malls – places where the general public would be able to view them.
Design posters can also be publish in local newspapers to reach a wider audience.
Criteria #4: Timeliness
The proposed idea can be roll out in different phases:
Phase 1: To invite designers/individuals to collaborate and design the posters. These designs will be produce and distributed to the respective locations. They will also be uploaded online for sale.
Phase 2: Design posters will be roll out in local newspapers. Local community are encourage to design and submit their posters online.
*Online orders will be delivered concurrently.
Criteria #5: Systems Thinking
Designed posters will be sold online with all profitsdonated to selected organisations.
Individuals are also encouraged to upload their completed designs and put up for sale. All profits will be donated to the selected organisations under the individual’s name.